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→‎Shardblade: corrected citation
m (→‎Shardblade: corrected citation)
=== Shardblade ===
When the Nahel bond is at a sufficient strength, the bonded spren can instantly manifest itself as a [[Shardblade]], which, unlike dead Blades, is capable of shapeshifting. Known forms range from strictly militant, such as a shield or a spear,{{book ref|sa3|86}} to utilitarian, like forks,{{book ref|sa2.5|20}} or plain rods.{{book ref|sa2.5|19}} Moreover, while a human using a dead Shardblade must wait ten heartbeats before the summoning occurs, a living Blade will manifest instantenously.{{book ref|sa3sa2|86}}
While in Shardblade form, a spren can communicate with its partner telepathically.{{book ref|sa2|86}} The exception to that is the [[Stormfather]], who, while refusing to become a Blade, can communicate with his Surgebinder regardless of the physical distance, directly in their mind.{{book ref|sa2|89}}{{book ref|sa3|4}}
