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m (→‎Chapter 23: tense)
After a day in Painter's world to collect some of her thoughts, spent mostly alone in Nikaro's apartment, the pair have returned. Liyun enters, after knocking, as Painter eats his breakfast. She asks how Yumi learned about the reform movement, which Painter lies about. Yumi asks several questions via Nikaro, and Liyun admits the truth--though she believes Yumi's rebellion will be short-lived. During their bath in the cold spring, Painter tries to cheer her up and help her process the implications this has about her life and the will of the spirits, including sharing some of his own relationship struggles. They float together and Yumi tries to touch his hand, but once again is unable to make physical contact. After this she declares that she wants to do something "transgressive". Painter proposes to spy on the scholars and their machine, which is more serious than Yumi had imagined--but she considers and agrees.
After they have been left alone in the orchard shrine, they cross through the orchard to the east side of town. They remove most of their clothing, to give the appearance of a common worker, and sneak the final distance to the scholars' tent. Yumi passes through the wall of the tent and watchwatches the scholars troubleshooting their machine. [[Sunjun]] is working on the machine and believes that the problem is the power source, though [[Gyundok]], the lead scholar, says they never had this problem with the [[father machine]]. Gyundok tells Sunjun and the lounging [[Honam]] to prime it, but they refuse. They consider waiting for the local yoki-hijo to draw a spirit, but expect this is unlikely to happen. The fourth scholar eventually agrees to prime the machine, so he places his hand on a special plate at the heart of the machine. Yumi observes hion lines appear between him and the plate, and as she looks closer sees an additional pair of lines appear from herself. The machine starts working, and the scholars celebrate--except for Sunjun who noticed the lines from Yumi. He believes a spirit is nearby and alerts the others. They activate a piece of equipment which points toward Yumi, and she flees.
{{anchor|Chapter 24}}