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;Plot Summary
The Crow's Song continues toward the Midnight Sea. Tress reveals Huck to Ann, Salay, and Fort. She tells them why she left home, and that she wants to rescue Charlie from the Sorceress. She tries to come up with ideas for how to protect the ship in the Midnight Sea, however she is too tired to come up with anything. Ann, Salay, and Fort enter her quarters and tell her about their ideas they had. Fort suggests that they modify the spore gun Tress had created into a spore cannonball so that they can immobilize the machine men. He also says that while the window at the top of the tower is too small for humans, Huck would be able to fit through by climbing up a verdant vine. However, Huck reveals that this wouldn't work, as the tower is coated in silver. But he says that there is a way he can get her through the door. He then points out that they still need a way to survive the Midnight Sea, and Tress gets an idea.
{{anchor|Chapter 55}}
