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''Elantris had been built on a massive scale, and while the size had seemed daunting from without, Raoden was only now beginning to grasp just how enormous the city was. He and Galladon had been walking for hours, and Galladon had said they were still a moderate distance from their destination.''
From outside the walls (before the Reod), Elantris could be seen as a vast collection of towers and other huge structures, all shining white. As well as being lit, the walls were sculpted to include intricate carvings. Two of the notable buildings in Elantris were the palace, which held the Elantrian leaders elected by the leaders and the university, in which housed the library of Elantris was helf. These were inhabited by the gang leaders Karata and Aanden before the establishing of New Elantris under Raoden.
Elantris was ruined by the Reod, and fell into disrepair as the [[Hoed]] cluttered the streets. As well as the Elantrians themselves decaying, the city itself decayed. The white walls turned grey and black, and parts of the city began to fall down due to the rot. All the surfaces were also covered in a slick layer, which made it very difficult to walk in Elantris.