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The residents of the Basin are the direct descendants of the people who survived the Catacendre, known as the [[Originators]]. Around one fifth of the Originators were Terris, with the rest being either [[skaa]] or [[noble]].{{book ref|mb4|4}} During the Catacendre, Harmony restored human genetics to the same state it had been prior to the [[Lord Ruler]],{{book ref|mb3|82}} but people were still aware of their ancestry,{{book ref|mb3|82}} with many noble houses persisting after society was rebuilt. The residents generally have light skin, with the exception being the Terris, who naturally tend to have more skin color{{wob ref|4927}} and largely marry within their own ethnicity.{{book ref|mb4|4}}
Relatively few people live outside of the Basin in northern Scadrial. There are a few towns in the Roughs, but they have small populations.{{book ref|mb4|4}} The residents of the Basin were not aware of the [[Southern ScadriansScadrian]]s until the ''[[Brunstell]]'' crashed in Dulsing.{{book ref|mb6|21}}