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===Truthwatcher ===
[[File: Renarin by- XVIII. The Moon horizonproblems.jpg|thumb|right|x300px|<center><small>by [[Coppermind:Artists/horizonproblems{{a|horizonproblems]]taratjah}}</small></center>]]
After the discovery of [[Urithiru]], Renarin is one of the four founding members of the new Knights Radiant, along with Dalinar, Shallan, and Kaladin. He and Shallan are tasked with training and mastering their powers and becoming leaders for the coming Radiants. He is unconfident in his ability to do that, but agrees to it after encouragement from his father. Not much comes from this command, however, as most fledgeling Radiants in the city are based around Kaladin, or have competing interests to those of Dalinar like [[Malata]]. Renarin heals [[Adolin]]'s hand with [[Progression]] while visiting their father's [[Ryshadium]], and shows Adolin that he can produce a Shardblade. He makes Shallan uncomfortable on several occasions, but is able to sense the wrongness of the city just as she can. When Shallan discovers the [[Re-Shephir]] in the basement, he comes along with Adolin and the rest of [[Bridge Four]] in his Shardplate to help fight off the [[Unmade]]. He is the one who discovers the slow moving blackness of the Unmade, although it is [[Lyn]] who announces it. He is extremely unsettled by the sight, not even responding to Adolin trying to pull him back to the rest of the group. Only when [[Teft]] calls him into formation like a superior officer does he respond and move. He heals Bridge Four as they get injured. He covers Adolin's back when they charge into the room with the gemstone pillar and holds his own while Shallan confronted Re-Shephir.
