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Around two years after his wife's death, Lin announced over dinner with his vassals, the [[Tavinar]]'s, the he was engaged to be married to [[Malise Gevelmar]]. In celebration he gave his children gifts. The boys got fine daggers and Shallan got an [[aluminium]] necklace. The dinner was already incredibly awkward when [[Redin]] interrupted to investigate the death of Lin's first wife. Lin quickly had his guests leave and his children move out of earshot for a private discussion. Whatever they discussed, Lin was left feeling angry and Redin was left without the evidence he needed. While Redin was willing to accept testimony from any lighteyes in the Davar household, Lin terrified his sons far too much for any of them to accept.{{book ref|sa2|39}}
The combination of the financial stress and the rumors surrounding Lin had a negative impact on the prospects of the the Davar household. During the [[Middlefest Fair]] of 1170, Brightlord [[Revilar]] approached Lin with a business proposition. He wanted Lin to sell him beechtree cotton and raw [[Shum (plant)|shum]] to him at an extreme loss. Lin was initially outraged at the terms, but Revilar used his position as being in favor with the highprince to trap Lin into the unfavorable deal. The experience was likely one of the factors that led him to join forces with the [[Ghostbloods]] in a bid for power. After Revilar leaves, [[Hoid]] approaches with news of Helaran, who says he has eyes watching the household. Angry, Lin disinherits Helaran and names Balat his heir.{{book ref|sa2|45}}
From notes and maps found after his death and from letters he was receiving Balat surmised that his father was making a play for the title of high prince, and was supported by some powerful men, namely the [[Ghostbloods]].{{book ref|sa1|29}}
