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|books=[[The Stormlight Archive]]
'''Jah Keved''' is one of the five [[Vorinism|Vorin Kingdoms]] on [[Roshar]], situated in the eastern half of the continent. Its capital is [[Vedenar]].{{book ref|sa1|33}}
== Geography ==
Located in eastern Roshar, Jah Keved is the second largest state on the planet, claiming over five and a half million square kilomtreskilometres of land{{url ref|url=https://www.17thshard.com/forum/blogs/entry/634-roshar-physical-characteristics-and-areas/|text=Roshar Physical Characteristics And Areas|site=17th Shard}}{{ref|text=For reference, this a little over half the size of United States.}}. It shares its eastern border with [[Alethkar]] and [[Herdaz]] on three unnamed rivers, while in the west, it is bordered by [[Tu Bayla]] and [[Triax]]. North to south, the country stretches across the entire continent, between [[Reshi Sea | Reshi]] toand [[Tarat Sea |Tarat]] Seas.
Though verdant, Jah Keved doesn't possess many major rivers. The country's most notable geographical feature are the [[Horneater Peaks]] in itsthe easterneast, partwhich form an important strategic barrier against the Alethi.{{map ref|Roshar}}
=== Notable Locations ===
==== Regions ====
*[[Horneater Peaks]] - massive mountains on the eastern side of the country, the Peaks are the home of the [[Unkalaki]] people. TheirThe peaksmountaintops house a series of hot lakes known as the [[Horneater Oceans]], at least one of which is [[Cultivation's Perpendicularity]].{{book ref|sa3|110}}
*[[Bavland]] - a small mining region, known for being dusty. Home to the Bav people. {{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
Much like [[Alethkar]] or [[Kharbranth]], the population of Jah Keved is divided into [[darkeyes]] and [[lighteyes]], with the latter holding power. A number of weaker, lower-[[dahn]] noble houses own fealty to a group of [[Highprince]]s, who in turn own fealty to a king. Prior to the civil war, known Veden Highprinces were [[Valam]], [[Abrial]], [[Boriar]], [[Evinor]] and [[Jal Mala]].
Over the past two years, most of the country's political structures have beeneither thrownfallen into chaos or outright disintegrated. Opening with the death of the then-king, [[Hanavanar]] at the hands of the [[Szeth|Assassin in White]], the ensuing civil war has claimed the lives of all the Veden Highprinces, either through assassination or open warfare. The nominal victor of the war, [[Valam]], passed the Veden crown to king [[Taravangian]] of Kharbranth, who has a claim to the throne through his mother.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
As the largest statecountry prior to the unification of Alethkar, Jah Keved has strong influence on the culture of other Vorin states. The centre of [[Vorinism |Vorin faith]], the Holy Enclave, is located in the Veden city of [[Valath]].{{book ref|sa3|100}} Valath is also the location of one of Roshar's major [[spanreed]] hubs, adding to the city's importance.{{book ref|sa2|47}}
Though not as militaristic as their eastern neighbors, Jah Keved is thought to possess the most [[Shardblade]]s of any of the Vorin kingdomscountry other than Alethkar.{{book ref|sa1|23}}
== People and Culture ==
[[FILE:Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|thumb|right|200px|Veden man wearing the latest fashion]]
Jah Keved is comprised of at least four distinct ethnic groups - Veden, [[Silnasen | Siln]], [[Bavland|Bav]] and [[Unkalaki]].
The Veden people are typically associated with pale skin and violet eyes.{{book ref|sa1|46}} They areappear typicallyto be more religious than average [[Vorinism|Vorins]], with higher importance being placed on the trappings of Vorinismthe faith, such as the [[safehand]] and the strict division between masculine and feminine arts.{{book ref|sa1|33}} Their language belongs to the Vorin family, and is close enough to that of [[Alethkar]] to be mutually intelligible for both sides.{{wob ref|3977}} The Alethi are also close to Vorins in fashion.{{file ref|Contemporary Male Fashion.jpg|Contemporary Male Fashion}}
The Siln people live in and around the southern city of [[Silnasen]]. They are noted as being less technologically advanced than the rest of the country, with highly ritualized warfare.{{book ref|sa2|54}}
The Bav people live in [[Bavland]], a small mining region in the south-western corner of the country. They are mostly miners, and have their own language and culture largely separate from that of the Veden.{{book ref|sa1|i|3}}
{{for|Unkalaki|more information on the Unkalaki people}}
The Unkalaki - or Horneaters, as they are called by outsiders - live on top of the mountains known as [[Horneater Peaks]]. They are one of several peoples with [[Singer]] ancestry, and have some attributes differentthat toset them apart from other Rosharan humans, such as their ususually strong teeth (which is where the "Horneater" nickname comes from) and the ability to occassionally hear the Rhythms.{{book ref|sa3|37}}{{wob ref|930}} Though the Peaks are nominally part of Jah Keved, the Horneaters have their own system of government and don't seem to see themselves as Veden citizens.
== History ==
During the [[Silver Kingdoms]] era, the territory now occupied by Jah Keved beloned to the kingdom of [[Valhav]]. Since that time, the countries of [[Tu Bayla]] and [[Triax]] have splintered off, though Jah Keved still holds vast majority of Valhav lands, including what was presumably its capital, [[Vedenar]], along with its [[Oathgate]].{{map ref|Silver Kingdoms}}
Until the Alethi Unification, Jah Keved was the largest country on Roshar, and the main oasis of stability in the region. This changed, however, in the year 1173, when [[Szeth]] assassinated the Veden king, [[Hanavanar]], along with a number of highprinces.{{book ref|sa1|i|9}} This plunged the country into a chaotic civil war, with at least seven different factions hoping to claim Vedenar and crown themselvestheir leader king. The situation was further worsened by the presence of the [[Unmade]] [[Nergaoul]] (known better as The Thrill), leading Veden soldiers to fight with unprecedented degree of drive and brutality.
The finalcivil confrontationwar oflasted about a year, with the civilfinal warconfrontation wasbeing the Battle of Vedenar. Highprince [[Valam]] emerged victorious, becoming the new king. However, he quickly passed the crown to king [[Taravangian]] before ordering his illegitimate son, [[Redin]], to kill him. Given Valam's poor health and his insinuations shortly before his death, it's possible he was being poisoned by the [[Diagram]] to achieve this, as it was them who instigated the civil war by sending Szeth.{{book ref|sa2|i|14}}
Under Taravangian's leadership, Jah Keved was, alongside [[Kharbranth]], the first country to ally with [[Urithiru]].{{book ref|sa3|24}} Fearing that it would be overrun by [[Voidbringer]]s after they're done with Alethkar, the king requested - and was granted - aid from other members of the coalition.{{book ref|sa3|96}}. However, following the revelations of the [[Eila Stele]], the country broke off from the alliance as part of [[Diagram]]'s plan to undermine Dalinar.{{book ref|sa3|113}}
Though king Taravangian pledged himself to [[Odium]], Jah Keved was not part of his deal.{{book ref|sa3|122}} As such, its current position in the [[Last Desolation]] remains unclear.
== Notable citizens ==
* [[Shallan Davar]], the first [[Lightweaver]] of the new generation of [[Knights Radiant]]
* The rest of the [[House Davar|Davar household]], including the father, [[Lin Davar |Lin]], as well as his four sons [[Wikim]], [[Jushu]], [[Balat]] and [[Helaran]].
* [[Valam]], the former Veden Highprince-turned-King and the liege lord of the Davars
* [[Hanavanar]], the previous Veden king, whose death caused the Jah Keved civil war.
== Notes ==
