Difference between revisions of "Summary:Mistborn: The Final Empire"

Added Chapter 19.
(Added Chapter 19.)
'''Other Notes:''' “Valette’s” trip to [[Luthadel]] took almost two months by canal, with some stops; Elend remarks that it can take half a year to go from one end of the [[Final Empire]] to the other. [[Feruchemy]] explicitly mentioned in one of Elend’s books. Also mentioned in the book are [[metalmind]]s, “the Massacre at Devanex, the revision of the [[Deepness]] Doctrine, and the relocation of the Renates peoples.”
==Chapter 19==
{{epigraph|[[Kwaan]] and I met by happenstance - though, I suppose, he would use the word “providence.”<br><br>
I have met may other [[Terris]] philosophers since that day. They are, every one, men of great wisdom and ponderous sagaciousness. Men with an almost palpable importance.<br><br>
Not so Kwaan. In a way, he is as unlikely a prophet as I am a hero. He never had an air of ceremonious wisdom - nor was he even a religious scholar. When we first met, he was studying one of his ridiculous interests in the great Khlenni library - I believe he was trying to determine whether or not trees could think.<br><br>
That he should be the one who finally discovered the great [[Hero of Ages|Hero]] of Terris prophecy is a matter that would cause me to laugh, had events turned out just a little differently.}}
'''Symbol Header:''' Unknown
'''Characters:''' [[Kelsier]], Charrs Entrone (his corpse, at least), [[Hoid]], [[Straff Venture]], [[Vin]], [[Sazed]], [[Renoux]]
'''Summary:''' Kelsier sows more chaos to build the House War by leaving the obviously-murdered body of one Charrs Entrone in the garden of [[House Tekiel]]. Afterward, he meets up with Hoid, masquerading as a street informant, in order to find out what rumors exist regarding House Renoux. He leaves Hoid to meet up with Lord Venture, pretending to be a sickly, lame [[skaa]] beggar and street informant. Kelsier returns to Mansion Renoux, trading information with Vin, Sazed, and Renoux.
'''Other Notes:''' The allomantic symbol preceding this chapter does not match any of the 19 known symbols.
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