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Kalak is horrified and disturbed that both Jezrien and himself have been broken by the cycle of Desolations and that they are too weak to face their suffering. They plan to lie and tell the people that they finally won against the "enemy", and hopes that it might even turn out to be true. Their abandonment of mankind is somewhat diluted by the fact that Ishar, another Herald, believes that "...so long as there is one of us still bound to the Oathpact (Talenel), it may be enough". There is a chance we might end the cycle of Desolations." Jezrien points out that man also has the Radiants.
Finally, both Jezrien and Kalak summon their Blades and slam thethem into the ground along with the other seven. They depart following opposite directions along the barren lanscape, vowing to go their own ways and to not seek one another, or any other of the Heralds. As Kalak is leaving the ring of swords, he looks back and notices a single open spot, "The place where the tenth sword should have gone." Kalak feels a deep sorrow and shame for Taln's exclusion and thinks, "Forgive us...", then leaves.
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