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{{epigraph|Born from the darkness, they bear its taint still, marked upon their bodies much as the fire marks their souls.}}
{{anchor|Chapter 39}}
Kaladin lies in Bridge Four's barrack, suffering fever from the wounds he got being strung up in the highstorm. Most of the time he's unconscious. In his rare lucid moments he sees deathspren, and Syl, a little-bitty figure of pure white light holding a sword made of light. She fights the deathspren with her sword and her light warded them off. But they grow more and more. Eventually Teft comes to look after Kaladin, having a strange idea in mind given from his education: He has three diamond spheres which he puts in Kaladins hand, putting his fingers around them. Then Teft waits. When he nearly thinks that he wasn't right Kaladin gasped, using up the stormlight of these spheres and Teft sees Stormlight rising from Kaladin's body, knitting some of the wounds. It's not long and the Stormlight is depleted, and Kaladin seems more relaxed than before, some color has returned to his skin.
While Teft wavers about his actions in his past and why this happens now and around him, he decides to give more Stormlight to Kaladin, well dosed, so that nobody will see what he does.
===Chapter 39: Burned Into Her===
