Difference between revisions of "Meridas Amaram"

=== Elevation to Highprince and Submission to Odium ===
After the murder of Sadeas, [[Ialai]] names Amaram the heir of House Sadeas. This further perpetuates the tension between him and the Kholin family, notably [[Adolin]] and [[Jasnah]]. Soon after, Amaram receives [[Oathbringer (Shardblade)|Oathbringer]], which he inherited from Sadeas. Amaram and most of his troops are suspicious of Dalinar regarding Sadeas' death. Dalinar later sends the troops of House Sadeas to help rebuild and reinforce [[Thaylen City]]. Amaram is unhappy with this, wishing to be on the front lines in the battle against the parshmen. Amaram's frustration with Dalinar, and with himself eventually leads to him submitting to [[Odium]], and turning against Dalinar and Thaylen City.
=== Battle of Thaylen Field and Death ===
