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{/{character |titles=Callsign: Nedder |siblings=Vent, Nightstorm Seven |world=Detritus |books=Skyward }}{/{spoilers|book=Skyward}}

Nedd Strong (callsign Nedder) is a cadet in DDF flight school and pilot number two in Skyward Flight.[1][2] He is one of Jorgen's two assistant flightleaders, along with Arturo.[1] He is familiar with military protocol, likely due to his two older brothers who are both pilots in the DDF, and his upbring on the surface.[1][3] He grew up in Alta Base where his parents keep the orchards, however, went to school in the lower caverns, where he became good friends with Jorgen and Arturo.[3] His family is well off, likely due to the risk associated with his parent's work, however, not as rich as the families in the lower caverns.[4]

Appearance and Personality

Nedd is the tallest member of Skyward Flight,[5] standing at 193 centimeters tall,[3]. He is heavily built,[5] but has not fully grown into his features yet, with is face appearing too large for his head.[3] Between his height and overall built, Nedd takes up most of the space in his cockpit.[5][3] He is conscious of healthy eating habits and routinely skips dessert during meals to maintain a better physique.[6]He has a faint accent that is normally associated with those from the lower caverns,[7] however he is from Alta Base, and only attended school down below.[3] He is not religious.[4]

He is good natured,[8] easy going,[3][4] and friendly,[7][8] easily befriending many of his fellow flightmates during the early days of flight school.[7] He is quick to joke with others in a friendly manner,[9] and has no issue with making himself the butt of the joke.[10][3] This is overdone, likely on purpose, by Nedd,[3] who is actually a very thoughtful[5] and perceptive person.[3] He is good at characterizing people and anticipating how to meet their needs, even if these needs aren't something his companions are aware of themselves.[3] He will often use himself as a target if he notices that someone is stressed and needing to blow off steam.[11][3] He is good at understanding how the traits and personalities of those around him can be utilized and will engineer situations to effectively use these traits.[5] Nedd does not shy away during conflict and will play the mediator, being very good at diffusing situations.[6][3] Nedd is, in general, very levelheaded, however can act irrationally if he believes someone he cares about is in danger.[12] Nedd is forcibly discharged from the DDF after he fails to report for duty after the death of his brothers, as instability of emotions, even those caused by grief, are considered a sign that a pilot is unfit for duty.[13] Although he appears to have returned to his jolly self by the time the remaining members of Skyward Flight graduate, his is still haunted by memories of their deaths.[14]

Nedd becomes more aware and more critical of the culture seeded by the DDF after his dismissal from flight school. Despite his love of flying he is aware of how the DDF treats their pilots and is not interested in joining again if he got the chance, nor does he think he could put his mother in that position after the loss of her first two sons.[4]


Nedd grew up on Alta Base, where his parents keep the orchards.[3] It is unknown where Nedd originally hails from, or where he and his family lived before Alta Base was solidified as a stronghold following the Battle of Alta. At some point during his upbringing, his parents began to send Nedd to the deep caverns where he attended school, however, it is unclear whether he lived in these caverns for the duration of the school year or commuted each day via the private elevators.[3] During his schooling he met and befriended Arturo and Jorgen and by the time they join flight school, the three are close friends.[1] After taking the entrance exam, Nedd was placed in Skyward Flight under the tutorledge of Cobb. During his time at flight school, he roomed with the other male members of his flight.[15]

His first day of flight school saw him arriving at the class room with his two friends, Jorgen and Arturo. When Jorgen chided the other members of Skyward Flight for not being organized and ordered them to attention, Nedd naturally obeyed the command. After Cobb named Jorgen flightleader, Jorgen named Nedd as one of his two assistant flightleaders.[1]

When the first lesson was interrupted by a Krell attack, Nedd, along with the rest of Skyward Flight, were ordered to take to the sky and line up close to the battle to deceive the Krell into thinking there were more pilots ready to join the conflict.[7] When a Krell ship broke away heading towards the cadets and Alta Base, Nedd joined Jorgen as his wingmate to try and ward it off.[7] The pair engaged the Krell ship using dogfighting techniques, however, Nedd pulled too far away from Jorgen allowing the Krell to tail the other pilot, leading to him falling behind the other two ships.

The next day, when Cobb asked the cadets to report back to him on his teaching method and style, he was surprised, not expecting Cobb to care about their feelings on the matter. In answer to Cobb's question, he reported he was confused then made a joke about lunch.[16] Later, the cadets began testing out the weapons functions on their mockpits. Like his fellow classmates, barring Kimmalyn, Nedd performed poorly when first attmpting to hit the targets, not managing to land a single shot. When the class attempted dogfighting following the target practice exercise, Nedd was shot down not long after the simulation began.[10]

During the light-lancing ring game, Nedd intentionally crashed on the third ring of the second run. As a joke, he pulled Arturo into the debris in front of the ring by using his light-lance, causing them both to crash.[6] After Spensa deliberately collided with Jorgen, Nedd, along with Arturo, attempted to calm his flightleader down, joking that Jorgen had still beaten Arturo - a comment Arturo did not appreciate.[6] As form of vicious retribution, Jorgen told Nedd and Arturo about Spensa's father while the rest of the room listened.[6]

A few days later, Skyward Flight was once again sent into battle against the Krell, this time fighting alongside full pilots. Shortly after Morningtide was shot down, Nedd paired off with Arturo, who had initially been Jorgen's wingmate, to prevent the Krell from being able to focus on either of them. Nedd survived the battle, however, both Bim and Morningtide were killed.[17]

Following the death of their flightmates, Nedd asked Spensa to give one of her speeches on honor and glory to help the flight process their friend's deaths. Although Spensa was initially reluctant, no longer seeing the point of her bravado, what she eventually says about their passing has the desire effect that Nedd had hoped for.[5] As the lesson continued, he joked with Arturo and Hurl, likely in an attempt to also raise their spirits.[8]

Two weeks later, Nedd was paired with Spensa during a IMP training. While they waited for their run, Nedd told Spensa about his upbringing, what he had observed of the other cadets and how he thought they were coping. Spensa found his observations of the other cadets interesting, showing that Nedd's projected image of a dumb jokester covered his perceptiveness and intelligence.[3] Later, after the training exercise had finished, Nedd tried to diffuse the situation between Spensa and Jorgen by complimenting her fighting skills and shifting the situation into an educational display, also reminding Jorgen that he had provoked her.[3]

When the shipyard began falling, the first time Skyward Flight had flown since Morningtide and Bim's deaths, Nedd, Kimmalyn, and Spensa accidentally split from the rest of the flight, with Spensa picking up a tail. Nedd and Kimmalyn helped destroy or scatter Spensa's tail before the three went to try and rejoin the others.[18]

Before they could meet up with the rest of their flight, Nedd peeled away, telling the other two that he would keep up, then followed his brothers, whom were being tailed by Krell, into the broken shipyard.[18][12] Spensa followed him into the bowel's of the ship, the two of them trying to destroy the Nightstorm Pilot's tails. Despite the danger they were in from the falling shipyard, Nedd did not want to leave his brothers, even when Spensa said they should pull back before the giant ship crashed. When he refused to stop, Spensa speared his Poco with her lightlance, pulling him to a stop. Nedd angrily called Spensa a coward for her actions, though followed her when she began to navigate out of the ship. They managed to escape the ship and get out from underneath it before it hit the planets surface, however, with only seven seconds to spare. Back at base, Nedd went to check the Nightstorm Flight line up to discover that neither of his brothers had made it back to Alta and had died in the crash.[12][13] | After the death of his brothers, Nedd stopped attending classes, leading to his dismissal from the DDF.[13] Nedd likely returns home to live with his parents outside of Alta Base. Following his departure, Nedd's Poco was assigned to another flight.[19]

Weeks later, following Hurl's death, Nedd met up with his former flightmates while they were on leave from duty. They spoke of Hurl, remembering their friend and reminiscing about their time in flight school. When Arturo's girlfriend, Bryn, went to the bathroom, the current and former members of Skyward Flight talked briefly about the strangeness of Krell tactics and the DDF's hesitancy to talk about these things.[4]

Nedd attended Skyward Flights graduation, however missed the actual ceremony instead running into Spensa during refreshments. He had planned to convince the graduating members of the flight to join the original group for a post graduation celebration, however, he was unable to find FM and Jorgen between the ceremony and their departure to defend the falling shipyard. Nedd and Spensa went to join the rest of the ex-Skyward crew to listen in to the battle on Arturo's personal radio. Although the group started listening in on the Assembly frequency, they eventually changed to the pilot band to hear directly what was going on.[14]

Wanting to help their fellow pilots after hearing the desperation during the battle, Nedd, Kimmalyn, and Arturo went to the deep caverns to steal the Mendez private fighters.[14] The three took the Mendez ships and went to join Spensa in fighting off the second Krell attack. Ironsides ordered Nedd and his two companions to focus on destroying the bomber even if it would destroy Alta.[20][21]

Once the group arrived, Nedd and Arturo went after the bomber on Spensa's orders, in an attempt to drive it away from Alta Base. Ironsides tried to overrule the cadet's order, however, was ignored by Nedd and Arturo. They attempted to follow Spensa's commands, however, were constantly impeded by the black Krell guard ships which would attack if they got close but fall back if they pulled away. When Riptide Flight arrived they joined Nedd and Arturo in engaging with these ships to keep them busy and distracted.[21] It is unknown how the fight Nedd was involved in ended, but it can be assumed the black Krell fighters pulled back when the lifebuster was dropped.

Attributes and Abilities

Despite his propensity to act otherwise, Nedd is highly knowledgeable about piloting and starfighters, as he would have been required to pass the entrance exam to attend flight school.[22]

During flight school Nedd trains to pilot a Poco, perform aerial maneuvers, and use its weaponry. He has some prior practical experience in flying and dogfighting from before flight school,[7][23] however, it was not extensive - he is unused to flying with a wingmate[7] and not practiced with using his destructors.[10] When he first began in Skyward Flight, he flew well enough when facing a single Krell, but was shot down fairly quickly when pitted against multiple enemies during a battle simulation.[10] He may have a preference for destructors over the other starfighter weaponry, however, his suggestions to use the weapons more may instead be as a reminder of Bim's enthusiasm after his death.[3]


He found Spensa's suggestion for Jorgen's callsign being Jerkface amusing,[2] and later teased him about how the Flight had decided on a callsign for him.[7] Nedd and Arturo bicker with each other.[6] Following the revelation that Spensa's father was Zeen Nightshade, Nedd began acting more cautious around Spensa, although it is unclear if this was because of her parentage or her temper.[24] He taunts Kimmalyn so that she has someone to take her frustration out on (in a very polite way).[3] He sees through Hurl's bravado of confidence and although he acknowledges that she is a good pilot, he doesn't think she is as good as she thinks she is. Nedd knows of her background as an athlete though it is unclear if that is because he is good enough friends that Hurl has mentioned this to him or because he knew of her from when she played Digball,[3] Cobb was aware of Nedd's smarts despite his propensity to play dumb[13] He thought it was good for Nedd when the boy was discharged from Flight School.[13]

Jorgen and Arturo

Nedd met Arturo and Jorgen at some point while the three of them were schooled in the deep caverns, prior to flight school.[1] By the time they all are accepted into Cobb's class, the three are good friends, with Nedd and Arturo being mistaken as Jorgen's henchmen.[1]

Nedd has a fun natured and bickering type of relationship with Arturo.[6] The two often throw insults at each other.[6] Arturo is used to Nedd's wisecracks and is thrown after Nedd drops out of flight school, still expecting his responses during certain beats of conversation.[19]

Nedd's relationship with Jorgen is more one sided in it's playfulness and Nedd often pokes fun at Jorgen, likely to allow the other boy to let off some steam.[7]

Nedd and Arturo deliberately do not invite Jorgen to informal gatherings of Skyward Flight as they believe he would not want to join the group, thus making the invitation a waste of time.[4] It is unclear if they are correct in this thought.


Although Spensa initially sees Nedd only in relation to Jorgen, following Morningtide and Bim's death's, she begins to discover more of the person underneath his projected jokester personality.[5][3] She comes to realize that he is much more intelligent that he seems, and is a very perceptive and thoughtful person.[3] When Spensa stopped Nedd from chasing his brothers while the shipyard was falling, he accused her of cowardice,[12] a comment that stuck with Spensa after the event and played with her underlying fears.[13] Spensa was thrown by Nedd's dismissal from the DDF, not realizing, at first, that he had been removed from flight school, and was largely affected by it, likely due to both losing another flight member and their parting interaction.[13]

Weeks past between Nedd and Spensa's parting following his brother's death, and their reunion, however, by this time, whatever ill feelings Nedd held towards the female cadet had passed.[4]


Nedd and Hurl have a competitive relationship, with each of them trying to outdo the other in various activities. After being taught wall-ball by the female cadet, Nedd played against her multiple times and often lost.[25] At dinner one night, the two made a bet on who could eat the most algae patties. Unlike during wall-ball, Nedd won this bet.[4]


Nedd may have a crush on FM.[26] They have a playful relationship, often exchanging friendly insults and joking comments.[4]


"And what do you do when there's an emergency? In a fighter? You…" "Call you," Nedd said. "And say, ‘Hey Arturo. Where’s the scudding eject lever?’ " Chapter 13

"What about those of us who are still drooling, meathead idiots?" Nedd asked. "But did train with you?"

"Don't sell yourself short, Nedder," Cobb said. "I’ve never seen you drool.

— Skyward - Chapter 14

{{“Hey, Spin,” Nedd finally said. “You’re always talking about ‘honor’ and the ‘glory of dying like warriors’ and crap like that.”

“Yeah? So?”

“So…,” Nedd said. “Maybe we could use a little of that crap right now.” }/}

{{“Hey, Arturo,” Nedd said as he stood and stretched, “these projectors are pretty good. You think they could simulate a world where you’re not a scudding terrible pilot?” “All we need for that,” Arturo said, “is an Off button for your radio. I’m certain we’d all improve by huge leaps if we didn’t have to listen to your incessant jabbering. Besides, as I recall, you were the one who ran into me earlier.” “You were in my way!” “Boys, boys,” Hurl said, sauntering past. “Can’t we make peace? Find common ground and agree that you’re both terrible pilots?” “Ha!” Arturo said. “You just watch—I’ll make you eat those words someday, Hurl.” }/}

{{ “Tell me that last one wasn’t fun,” I said on the private line to Nedd. I looked across to where he flew beside me, the hologram reproducing him—helmet and all. He was a bit of a brute, oversized, with a face that seemed too big for his head. I couldn’t imagine how it must feel to squeeze into one of these cockpits at a hundred and ninety-three centimeters like he was.

“Fun is sitting at home,” he said, “with your feet up, enjoying a mug of something warm. All of this is over my head.” }/}

{{“Nice explosion, Quirk. Seven out of ten. Try to spin your wreckage a little more next time you fall.”

“Bless. Your. Stars.” She muttered it, which was practically cussing from Kimmalyn.

“Heh,” Nedd said.

“You shouldn’t taunt her,” I said on the private line to him. “She’s trying hard.”

“Everyone needs someone to blow steam at, even her. Especially her. She’s so uptight sometimes, I think she must have done her belt up two extra notches.”

“She’s just from a different cavern,” I said. “Her culture makes her more polite.”

“She’s nervous,” he said. “She knows she’s our worst pilot. Ignoring it will only make her more nervous. Trust me.” }/}

{{Huh. “And what do you think of Hurl?”

“She’s good,” he said. “But not as good as she thinks she is.” He grew silent for a moment. “She used to pretend all this was a game. She was an athlete, you know.”

“Like, a real one?”

“Yeah. Digball player. Carrier position, one of the best in the student league. Seems like everything’s a competition to her, but then we lost Bim and Morningtide, so now she’s gone all quiet. She doesn’t know how to react now that she can’t see flying as a game.” }/}

{{ “I thought you said you were stupid.”

“Dumb as cold rocks.”

“And your insightful read on our companions?”

“Just making small talk. Saying whatever pops in my head, you know? You’re lucky it made any sense whatsoever. Usually it comes out as grunts.” }/}

{{“As our resident expert,” Nedd said, “I’d like to point out that the true coward’s weapon is a comfortable couch and a stack of mildly amusing novels.”}/}

{{“Let go of me!” he shouted. “Nedd…We can’t help. We’re not good enough for this sort of thing yet. Stars above, it’s a wonder we survived that run through the tunnels.” }/}

{{“Being unable to control your emotions, grief included, is a sign that one is unfit for duty. At least that’s how Ironsides and the other DDF brass see it. I say it’s a good thing Nedd is out. That boy was too smart for all this anyway…” He hobbled out the door.}/}

"Hi, Nedd!" M-Bot said. "I can confirm you are an idiot, but all humans are. Your mental abilities appear to be within a standard deviation from their average."

— Skyward - Chapter 52


{/{stub}} {/{Skyward}}