Summary:The Sunlit Man

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Summary pages have spoilers through the end of the book they summarize. However, they also have links to the rest of the Coppermind, which has full spoilers. To safely browse non-summary pages, consider using the Time Machine.

This page contains a chapter by chapter summary of The Sunlit Man. We hope this summary will make it easier to find specific areas of the book, as well as providing a quick plot refresher for anyone who doesn't want to take the time to reread the entire book.

Chapter 1

Plot Summary

Nomad wakes from skipping not knowing where he is. He is questioned by people who speak a language he doesn't understand, and he doesn't have enough Investiture to have Auxiliary translate what they are saying. He notices that the plants around him are growing extremely quickly, and that is just before dawn. People in white coats are chaining people to stakes in the ground. When one of the white-coated people tries to place manacles on him, Nomad tries to fight back, but his muscles lock up. He remembers he is beset upon by a Torment, a mysterious condition caused by him having held a Dawnshard that makes him incapable of causing harm, even in self-defense or defense of others.

A mysterious man—missing his chest, which is replaced by a glowing ember in the center of a burned-out hole—then attacks Nomad with a bat, and Nomad finds his Torment is preventing him from summoning any sort of weapon. He also notices the brightness of the soon-to-rising sun seems much too large for a normal planet. After Nomad stops one of the attacks with his bare hands, the ember man (and others around him) are surprised. The light from the horizon begins to blaze with intense heat, and all the plants around them begin wilting. Nomad is beaten to the ground by another ember man, where his is chained to a rock.

The rising sun continues getting brighter, making the ground smoke and burn, and Nomad concludes the sunlight is Invested, making it extremely intense. Nomad and Auxiliary briefly consider trying to absorb the Investiture, but conclude the sunlight is far too intense to safely do that. After failing to manifest a weapon, he creates a small crowbar that lets him break the chain. He then hurls the chain at a hover bike that's flying away and is dragged away as the sunlight begins to burn him.

Chapter 2

Plot Summary

The hover bike slams Nomad to the ground at a high speed. While low on Investiture, Aux engages Nomad's healing. Aux notices that the hover bike can easy outspeed the sun, and concludes that the planet has a slow rotation. The hover bikes, including the one Nomad is attached to, stop for seemingly no reason other than to regain their bearings. After a short conversation, the hover bikes start back up and fly again.

After flying for what felt like an hour, Nomad sees a floating city, lifted around thirty or forty feet above the ground by the thrust of hundreds of engines beneath it. Nomad had seen them before on other planets, but none has look as ramshackle as this one. Nomad looks up at the sky for the second time and sees a collection of rings overlooking the planet that pointed toward the sun, tipped at a slight angle to perfectly reflect sunlight upon the planet.

Nomad is hauled upward and is brought up onto the metal surface of the city. A small crowd gathers around him, as well as five people behind them with embers for hearts. He sees that there are many varieties of skin color in this one city. A newcomer with deep-red glowing eyes enters, and people make way for him. Nomad sees a glowing coming from his chest behind a coat, and assumes "Glowing Eyes" has an ember in his chest as well. He takes Nomad and asks him a question several times, getting angrier with each attempt. Nomad replies with a language the man doesn't understand, saying he can't speak their tounge. Glowing Eyes realizes that Nomad isn't going to answer and pulls off his glove, revealing an ordinary pale hand. He seizes Nomad by the face, and nothing happened. Aux recognizes a few words in the language, and is able to make out being called "One Who Escaped the Sun". A few officers grab Nomad and drag him off as the city begins to break apart.

Chapter 3

Plot Summary

Chapter 4

Plot Summary

Chapter 5

Plot Summary

Chapter 6

Plot Summary

Chapter 7

Plot Summary

Chapter 8

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Chapter 9

Plot Summary

Chapter 10

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Chapter 11

Plot Summary

Chapter 12

Plot Summary

Chapter 13

Plot Summary

Chapter 14

Plot Summary

Chapter 15

Plot Summary

Nomad searches the body of the CinderKings scouts corpse and finds a drawing done by a child. Nomad puts this back into place and doesn’t mention this to Rebeke who is very disturbed as this is her first kill. Rebeke insists on salvaging the ship for scrap as it is easier than “mining” more metal.

Chapter 16

Plot Summary

Chapter 17

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Chapter 18

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Chapter 19

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Chapter 20

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Chapter 21

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Chapter 22

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Chapter 23

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Chapter 24

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Chapter 25

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Chapter 26

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Chapter 27

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Chapter 28

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Chapter 29

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Chapter 30

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Chapter 31

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Chapter 32

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Chapter 33

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Chapter 34

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Chapter 35

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Chapter 36

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Chapter 37

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Chapter 38

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Chapter 39

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Chapter 40

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Chapter 41

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Chapter 42

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Chapter 43

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Chapter 44

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Chapter 45

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Chapter 46

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Chapter 47

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Chapter 48

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Chapter 49

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Chapter 50

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Chapter 51

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Chapter 52

Plot Summary


Plot Summary


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