Difference between revisions of "File:Table of Allomantic Metals.jpeg"

Updated link
(The final version of the Table of Allomantic Metals. Drawn by Isaac Stewart and supplied by Crafty Games. {{art |artist=Isaac Stewart |series=mb |book=mag |source=[https://brandonsanderson.com/books/mistborn/the-final-empire/the-final-...)
(Updated link)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
|artist=[[Isaac Stewart]]
|source=[https://www.brandonsanderson.com/bookswp-content/mistbornuploads/the-final-empire2019/the-final-empire-art-gallery11/mb_allomantic_webres.jpg Brandon's website]
|source=[https://brandonsanderson.com/books/mistborn/the-final-empire/the-final-empire-art-gallery/ Brandon's website]
|type={{cat tag|diagrams}}
<references group="fn" />
{{Icon|Iron|M|16px}} '''[[Iron]]''' - ''Lurcher'' - Burning iron allows the Allomancer to Pull on nearby sources of metal. Pulls must be directed toward the Allomancer's center of gravity.
{{Icon|Pewter|M|16px}} '''[[Pewter]]''' - ''Pewterarm (Thug)'' - Burning pewter increases the Allomancers physical strength, speed, and durability and enhances the body's ability to heal.
{{Icon|Zinc|M|16px}} '''[[Zinc]]''' - ''Rioter'' - Burning zinc allows the Allomancer to riot (inflame) the emotions of those near them. Can be directed at a single individual or directed in a general area.
{{Icon|Bronze|M|16px}} '''[[Bronze]]''' - ''Seeker'' - Burning bronze allows an Allomancer to "hear" pulses given off by other Allomancers who are burning metals. Different metals produce different pulses.
{{Icon|Aluminum|M|16px}} '''[[Aluminum]]''' - ''Aluminum Gnat'' - Burning aluminum instantly metabolizes all of the Allomancer's metals without giving any other effect, wiping all Allomantic reserves.
{{Icon|Nicrosil|M|16px}} '''[[Nicrosil]]''' - ''Nicroburst (Nicro)'' - Burning nicrosil while touching someone else will give a duralumin effect to any metals they're burning, causing them to vanish and give a huge (perhaps unexpected) burst of power.
{{Icon|Gold|M|16px}} '''[[Gold]]''' - ''Augur'' - Burning gold allows an Allomancer to see a vision of possible other lives they could have led and different paths they could have taken.
{{Icon|Bendalloy|M|16px}} '''[[Bendalloy]]''' - ''Slider'' - Burning bendalloy subtly Pushes time in a bubble around the Allomancer, compressing it and making it pass more quickly.
===God Metals===
{{Icon|Lerasium|M|16px}} '''[[Lerasium]]''' - Pure lerasium transforms a person into an Allomancer or drastically improves their Allomantic powers. In alloy form, it produces various expanded physical and enhancement effects, including the creation of Mistings.
{{Icon|Atium|M|16px}} '''[[Atium]]''' - Pure atium grants the Allomancer an expansive vision of the future and enhances the mind's ability to accept, process, and hold information. In alloy form, it produces various expanded mental and temporal effects.
Inner circle: Internal Metals
Top and bottom quadrants: Pulling Metals
