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m (→‎Interludes: linkifying)
:''Eight years ago''
Venli looks in on the listener scholars she is using as a front for the discoveries that Ulim gives her, then wanders through the city, which is unusually busy now that the listener [[Listener#Families|families]] have united. Ulim complains about the difficulty of bringing over new voidspren, and he mocks Venli for how little she knows about the humans and their capabilities. He also chastises her when she defends her ancestors and then explains how Odium's forces were stuck on [[Braize]], unable to return because of Taln, when the Unmade decided to start a war without them. Ba-Ado-Mishram gave out forms of power to all of the singers, becoming Connected to them so that when the humans captured her, the singers lost part of themselves. Venli arrives home and finds her mother upset because she can't remember some of the songs. Venli comforts her and starts her reciting the first song. She decides to do what Ulim says because she believes she must in order to avoid slavery under the humans. They decide to manipulate Gavilar into bringing the listeners to Kholinar, which Venli believes will be enough to intimidate her people into taking on forms of power.
{{anchor|Chapter 74}}
;Plot Summary
Venli and Rlain are headed to Lirin's infirmary. News of Kaladin's fight has spread, and other fights between humans and singers have been breaking out in the tower. They reach the infirmary where the other Radiants are being cared for. Venli takes notice of Rlain’s comfort and casualness with the humans. Rlain reveals that he had been able to sneak maps of the tower out of Navani's information vault before the Fused learned where they were; though Hesina is grateful, Lirin says that he isn’t certain that the risk was worth it. Venli, on the other hand, believes that the tower’s maps will show them a way out of the tower. Venli and Lirin talk, and Venli realizes that Lirin isn't interested in fighting against the occupation. Some human workers enter, and it upsets Lirin to see that one has a ''[[Shash (glyph)|shash]]'' glyph on his forehead in honor of Kaladin. Lirin is disdainful of it, and though Venli defends it by saying it gives people hope, Lirin says that it's just going to cause more deaths.
{{anchor|Chapter 75}}
Adolin is accompanied by guards through Lasting Integrity as he climbs to the top of the city wall. There, he can see the deadeyes outside the wall that have been gathering for weeks--a lot more than they have ever seen before. [[Vaiu]] says that they must be responding to a Connection happening, and he attributes it to the upcoming justice that will be dispensed.
Veil and Radiant try to coax Shallan out, but she is still very upset about learning that Pattern has lied to her. They have been trying to find Restares and have only one more human in the city fortress to identify, someone named [[Sixteen]]. Pattern finds Veil, and it is clear that Shallan has been avoiding him. Pattern asks Shallan if he remembers the first time they met on the [[Wind's Pleasure|boat]] with Jasnah, but Radiant says that that couldn't have been the first time they met because Shallan had spoken oaths before that. Pattern reveals that he had once tried to get Shallan to remember her past, but the pain she experienced in doing so convinced him to play along with the deception. Pattern says he doesn't remember the events surrounding her [[Shallan's mother|mother’s]] death. Radiant asks why Pattern wanted to bond a Radiant, given that he was convinced she would kill him. He responds by saying that he knew danger was coming and that those in both the Physical and Cognitive Realms needed to work together to defeat the enemy. He believed that even if he died, it might be enough to get other Cryptics to join. Radiant asks Pattern if he has lied, and he admits that he has. She asks if he's been spying, and he apologizes, saying that he couldn't think of another way. He says that he brought someone to meet Shallan and introduces a deadeye crypticCryptic. Shallan emerges suddenly, locking away Veil and Radiant. She calls Pattern a traitor and a liar and, just then, realizes that Sixteen has emerged from his shelter. Shallan is suddenly convinced she needs to kill Restares, but when she sneaks up on Sixteen and sees what he looks like, she knows it's not him. She starts to leave, and Pattern asks her what's wrong, alarmed that she has suddenly changed. She said she's finally made a difficult decision.
{{anchor|Chapter 76}}
;Plot Summary
Navani continues to try to get the Sibling to speak to her, repeatedly apologizing for her failure to realize that they were being spied on. Raboniel enters, and Navani is amazed to hear her reminisce about the [[shadowdays]]. She is so tired of the war and is dismissive of Navani’s suggestion of peace because their previous attempts had failed. Navani realizes that Raboniel’s desire to combine the Lights is related to her desire to end the war. They discuss her research progress, including Navani's realization that Stormlight responds to sound. She learns that Raboniel can hear the tone of Light, the same tone that she uses to get the Light to transfer spheres. Raboniel explains that there is a rhythm as well as a tone, and that Towerlight has two rhythms that work in harmony. Navani wonders if the rhythms of Stormlight and Voidlight could harmonize, but Raboniel says that Stormlight is too orderly and Voidlight too chaotic. Navani convinces her to try, Raboniel singing the rhythm and tone of Voidlight, and with some effort, Navani doing the same for Stormlight. Their two rhythms eventually come into harmony, and the two kinds of Light successfully mix and infuse the sphere. Raboniel recognizes the rhythm of the Light as the [[Rhythm#The_Pure_Tones|Rhythm of War]] and is shocked that the Lights did not destroy each other. Navani asks about her motivations, and Raboniel suggests that the discovery might allow them to kill a god--like how Honor was killed. Navani realizes that Gavilar had been looking for a way to kill a god. Even more, she realizes that he had discovered the opposite to Voidlight, and that that is what had been in the sphere that killed her scholars. Raboniel gets ready to leave, thanking Navani for her assistance and telling her that though Navani has earned her gratitude, she is not going to leave Urithiru.
{{anchor|Chapter 77}}
:''Seven and a half years ago''
Venli is in the palace at Kholinar for the signing of the peace treaty. Ulim is leading her to a secret place where his agents exchange messages and, in this case, where he hopes to find other Voidspren in spheres. Ulim has left Venli’s gemheart, and she is less certain about what they are doing, especially once Ulim reveals that he has lost contact with his agent, Axindweth. They recover the message she left behind--no spheres--and they learn that she had been discovered and left the planet. Ulim is upset and says that they have to come up with another plan. Her people aren't even intimidated by the humans and are instead excited. Venli tries to make her way back on her own, because Ulim left her, but is caught by a guard. He takes her to a room filled with other humans and question her. She says that she got lost, but they aren’t entirely convinced, and say they will hold her until after the treaty has been signed. Ulim returns, shocked, saying that there are Heralds in the palace--Shalash, [[Kelek]], and Nale. Just then, Nale enters, and he takes Venli into his custody. Once alone, it’s clear that Nale recognizes Ulim, and they are not friends. Nale asks Venli how many Voidspren are there, and she tells him that Ulim is the only one. Nale asks how she was able to bring him back, and Venli deflects his question in a way that implied that it was the fault of whatever the Heralds are doing. Nale, in his paranoia, concludes that Gavilar’s plan is working and that he will destroy them all. Nale decides that he has to stop bonds from happening, and tells Venli that Gavilar is planning to betray the listeners, and that she has legal grounds to break their treaty. He tells her of Szeth, that he has an honor blade and is for sale as a slave. Nale leaves, and Ulim convinces Venli that a war with the humans would make them desperate enough to pursue the forms of power that they want them to.
{{anchor|Chapter 78}}
;Plot Summary
Shallan enters her room, pushing away thoughts of the deadeye cryptic and her feelings about Pattern. She says that she is going to contact Mraize, and Pattern trails, saying that she feels wrong. While Shallan gets out the communication cube, Pattern tells her that he had used the cube to talk to Wit but that wit had been overheard by spies for the Ghostbloods. Shallan starts to relax as realizes that none of her friends are spies, which allows Veil and Radiant out, and Veil takes control. She realizes that they still don’t know who killed Ialai, and she calls Mraize on the cube. Veil tells him that Restares is not there and Mraize finds that troubling. He warns Shallan that Restares is one of the most dangerous beings on the planet and that she should be careful. He asks after Shallan's mental health, and Shallan says that it could be better, but they are interrupted by shouting.
Shallan enters her room, pushing away thoughts of the deadeye crypticCryptic and her feelings about Pattern. She says that she is going to contact Mraize, and Pattern trails, saying that she feels wrong. While Shallan gets out the communication cube, Pattern tells her that he had used the cube to talk to Wit but that wit had been overheard by spies for the Ghostbloods. Shallan starts to relax as realizes that none of her friends are spies, which allows Veil and Radiant out, and Veil takes control. She realizes that they still don’t know who killed Ialai, and she calls Mraize on the cube. Veil tells him that Restares is not there and Mraize finds that troubling. He warns Shallan that Restares is one of the most dangerous beings on the planet and that she should be careful. He asks after Shallan's mental health, and Shallan says that it could be better, but they are interrupted by shouting.
Adolin is being tutored by an inkspren ambassador to the honorspren. She tells him that his trial is set for 3 days from then, and that they should motion for a trial by witnesses, though it opens him up to self-incrimination. Adolin is certain that this will be necessary to appeal to their honor. Blended tells him that because the honorspren define what honor means to them, they believe that what they do must be honorable. Adolin realizes that this is how they are able to avoid being convinced using his arguments against their honor. They leave to find the high judge who Blended says is arriving. Adolin sees him and learns that he is human.
Adolin is being tutored by an inkspren ambassador to the honorspren. She tells him that his trial is set for 3three days from then, and that they should motion for a trial by witnesses, even though itthis opens him up to self-incrimination. Adolin is certain that this will be necessary to appeal to their honor. [[Blended]] tells him that because the honorspren define what honor means to them, they believe that what they do must be honorable. Adolin realizes that this is how they are able to avoid being convinced using his arguments against their honor. They leave to find the highHigh judgeJudge, whowhom Blended says is arriving. Adolin sees him and learns that he is human.
Veil is stunned by the appearance of the highHigh judgeJudge. She asks one of the honorspren why she had been told that the highHigh judgeJudge was a spren, and she tells him that it is Kelek, and because he is a Herald and immortal, he's close enough to being a spren that his command to them to keep his identity a secret was good enough for them. Veil realizes that Mraize may have sent them to kill a herald.
{{anchor|Chapter 79}}
;Plot Summary
As Rlain makes his way through the tower, he is greeted with suspicion, hostility, and dislike from humans, singers, and Fused. He misses how [[Bridge Four]] made him feel; while not perfect, he felt that they could see him more as himself and not a stereotype. He arrives to the Radiant infirmary and eventually finds Lirin. Lirin says that he and Hesina have been seen by stormforms[[stormform]]s and that they don't know how long they'll be able to remain in hiding. Neither is certain if they can trust Leshwi and Venli. Rlain goes over to Hesina and the maps, and they talk. Her attitude towards Kaladin and the occupation is different from Lirin, and they worry over Kaladin, whom the Fused are claiming is dead. As Rlain looks at a map of the Shattered Plains, he sees a note and asks Hesina to read it. It says that a group of people were found way out on the eastern side of the Plains. They are interrupted by Lirin who says that he thinks he recognizes one of the workers. Rlain looks and finds Dabbid, who, after he greets him, tells him that Kaladin is asleep and won't wake up.
{{anchor|Chapter 80}}
;Plot Summary
Kaladin is in a violent and hateful nightmare. He is tormented by his friends, who blame him for everything he was unable to do, and by a terrible wind that whispers hatred. He sees a warm light in the distance, and he fights to get there. Falling into a pit of [[crem]], he is saved by the person inside the light: Wit. Wit tells him that he is in a nightmare sent from Odium to torture him and passes over a bowl of Rock’s stew. Wit tells Kaladin that they’ll only have a short time together, and Kaladin admits that he is close to giving up. He asks Wit for a story, and Wit excitedly obliges.
Wit tells of a dog who, after jealously regarding one in the sky, determines to become a dragon. He tries to gain colorful scales like a dragon by planting and watering a crop and rolling in the resulting seeds. In trying to learn to speak like a dragon, he learns only to write. Wishing to learn to fly like a dragon, he rigs up a harness for himself and uses a pulley in the barn to lower himself. The other dogs laugh at him after each attempt, and he realizes he can never become a dragon. Then the farmer's youngest child falls into the well. As the family watches frantically, the dog attaches his harness to the well's rope and writes instructions to lower him. He rescues the child, so the family rewards him well that night with food and a place inside by the fire. Wit ends the story by stating that the dog thought he was an utter failure because he hadn't met his original goal. Kaladin, outraged by the ending, eventually realizes that Wit was making a comment on his unreasonable expectations of himself. He asks for the real ending, but thinks that the dog's sense of satisfaction will never be his to have. Wit reminds him that though things would have to get even worse, they would get better again--then worse again, then better again. Though this is how life goes, the important thing to remember is that there will be sunshine again. Kaladin, revived and hopeful, pushes back into the storm.
Radiant is yelling at Mraize through the cube because he hadn't told them who Restares really is. Veil takes over and tells Mraize that they no longer have an incentive to work with him, as Mraize’s hiding of this information suggests that they may not be able to trust what Mraize has told them. Mraize has Veil open the cube and pull out a metal dagger with a gemstone that he tells her to use on Kelek to capture his soul. He explains that the leader of the Ghostbloods has a similar [[Cognitive Shadow|condition]] to Kelek and needs to learn more about the Herald in order to avoid his fate. He convinces Veil that Kelek is dangerous must be locked away, and that Shallan can impersonate him in order to rule in Adolin's favor. He tells her that if she does this, she will become a full Ghostblood.
Venli meets with Leshwi and tells her that the Pursuer has found Kaladin's parents. Leshwi believes they are protected for now by Raboniel, and they discuss Raboniel's complex long-term schemes. Leshwi reminds Venli that the reason they watch is so that they can help ensure that the world will survive Raboniel. Venli goes to see Kaladin's parents and finds Rlain and Lirin in an argument. Dabbid and Rlain have come to report the severity of Kaladin's injuries, but Rlain won't let Lirin go to him unless Lirin promises that he won't turn Kaladin over to the Fused. Lirin stubbornly insists he won't make that promise. Hesina volunteers to go, but Lirin tells her that she lacks the skill to perform surgery if he needs it. Timbre pushes Venli, and Venli speaks up to suggest freeing Lift.
Venli, Rlain, and Dabbid make their way to the cells, and Venli uses her [[Surgebinding#Stoneshaping|powers]] to open a hole in the back of Lift's cell. She sends Lift with Rlain and Dabbid after extracting a promise not to speak of the nature of her powers. Venli asks Timbre if she can say the words yet, but Timbre says not yet.
{{anchor|Chapter 84}}
;Plot Summary
Navani is fully engrossed in her research, something she has never been able to be before. She believes that what they find might allow them to kill Odium, and as she works, she makes fabrial weapons that can be left in the hall appearing to be boxed up half-finished projects. She and Raboniel make more [[Warlight]] for her experiments, and she also tries to find a way to rejoin split spren. Upon request, Raboniel delivers some Raysium[[raysium]], which is used to draw Stormlight out of Radiants. After transferring one of the spren halves to the gemstone at the base of the Raysiumraysium blade, they learn that putting one half of a spren in a larger gem and moving that gem will cause the other half to move a greater amount. Navani asks Raboniel for a way to measure the strength of Stormlight, and the Fused says that she will get her some [[Sand (Taldain)|sand]].
{{anchor|Chapter 85}}
:''A year and a half ago''
Venli speaks with [[Denshil]], one of the listener farmers. They are thick in the war with the Alethi, and Venli is increasingly certain that she made the right choice. Venli has Denshil cutting gemstones, presumably so that they can hold more Stormlight, but really so that Venli can have gems to capture [[stormspren]]. The farmer is hesitant, but she convinces him that this is necessary for them to survive. As she leaves, Ulim comes to her and tells her that the storm is nearly to Narak. They talk about their plans to bring more stormspren over, but she is interrupted by Eshonai, who takes her to her mother who had been found injured, lost, and confused out on the plateaus. They decide to get her a permanent servant to watch over her and then discuss their past, both as children and during the time leading up to the war. Venli tries to talk to Eshonai about possibly bringing back the gods, and Eshonai shuts her down. They sing together a little before Eshonai drifts off to sleep just as Venli starts to open up to her. That night, Venli goes into the highstorm to hunt stormspren.
{{anchor|Chapter 87}}
Adolin arrives at his trial, where the judge and the spren audience await. They discuss the terms of the trial, and [[Sekeir]] calls his witnesses. The first, [[Amuna]], brings two of her deadeye charges and testifies to the travesty that killed them. The second witness is Blended. She not only says that humans should not be trusted, but that they might even consider bonding with the Fused as the rightful heirs of the land. However, she would rather no bonds happen in order to ensure that no spren will be killed. The third witness is Notum. He appears in uniform, and Adolin realizes that Notum has been told that if he will testify against Adolin, they will end his exile. Notum begins to speak, looking at the paper he brought, but then stops and says, “Honor is not dead so long as he lives in the hearts of men.” The crowd erupts, and Notum continues to bellow this phrase as he is dragged from the room. Adolin goes to speak to Kelek and asks what happened. Kelek tells him that the stakes of this trial are much more than he thought because some spren are considering joining the highspren and the Fused, and Adolin could tip the scales in the opposite direction.
Adolin arrives for the second day of his trial and takes the stand. As he begins his carefully laid out defense, he is continually interrupted by the honorspren audience, who are doing everything they can to disrupt him with their own accusations. When they bring up Dalinar almost killing the Stormfather and Kaladin about killing Syl, the trial devolves into a full fledged argument. Adolin finally gives up, inviting the honorspren to continue their attack, as it is clear that they have never had honorable intentions in the trial. The audience is initially cowed at his frankness, but their anger reignites when they learn that Adolin knew about the recently killed deadeye crypticCryptic he had seen in Nameless.
;Plot Summary
Teft thinks about when he first woke up feeling like he usually does after binging on firemoss, but when he saw Dabbid and Rlain he had determined to get up and start over again to try to live clean, for their sakes. It was only when they told him what happened that he understood he hadn't given in to his craving. After a couple of days of healing, he is sitting eating soup with Kaladin and Dabbid when Kaladin mentions losing Syl in the fighting. Phendorana appears to the others and reassures Kaladin that their bond is not broken so long as he can still Surgebind.
Teft thinks about when he first woke up feeling like he usually does after binging on [[firemoss]], but when he saw Dabbid and Rlain he had determined to get up and start over again to try to live clean, for their sakes. It was only when they told him what happened that he understood he hadn't given in to his craving. After a couple of days of healing, he is sitting eating soup with Kaladin and Dabbid when Kaladin mentions losing Syl in the fighting. Phendorana appears to the others and reassures Kaladin that their bond is not broken so long as he can still Surgebind.
As Teft thinks about the grim tidings he had awoken to, Phendorana reminds him by a glance not to be down on himself. Rlain and Lift enter next, the latter of whom heals Teft; he has to be healed regularly or he falls unconscious again. Rlain reports on Navani's forced seclusion, and they discuss what needs to be done. Kaladin asks whether or not it would be better to quit fighting, and in answer Teft gives them a detailed account of what happened when he was eight years old and he reported his parents, who were part of the Envisagers, to the citylord. He encourages them just to do what they think is right with the information they have and be content with the fact that they can't predict the future.
As Teft thinks about the grim tidings he had awoken to, Phendorana reminds him by a glance not to be down on himself. Rlain and Lift enter next, the latter of whom heals Teft; he has to be healed regularly or he falls unconscious again. Rlain reports on Navani's forced seclusion, and they discuss what needs to be done. Kaladin asks whether or not it would be better to quit fighting, and in answer Teft gives them a detailed account of what happened when he was eight years old and he reported his parents, who were part of the [[Envisagers]], to the citylord. He encourages them just to do what they think is right with the information they have and be content with the fact that they can't predict the future.
After Teft spurs them to attempt to save the Radiants, they all pitch in and discuss how they might accomplish it. Kaladin suggests that they take a couple of days to consider their options, and they hope to be able to contact Navani and ask for her help. Then they start discussing less consequential things, and Teft finds himself smiling because of all of the good things there still are to enjoy. He admits to Phendorana that she had been right to tell Teft he was worth saving.
Venli is fulfilling her duty as Voice to Raboniel by interpreting between her and the Regals coming to give reports. She relays instructions to the last one to continue searching for Kaladin, then follows Raboniel to her habitual workstation. The two of them discuss the listeners rejecting Odium's rule, and then Venli admits to Raboniel that she is ashamed of being the one directly responsible for her people's downfall. Venli slips up and uses an old rhythm when she speaks of how she used to be so ambitious, then she asks Raboniel why they must fight and whether they will ever be able to have peace themselves.
Raboniel commends Venli's service despite her true loyalty lying with Leshwi and gives her a reward: a writ of authority and a map. On the map, Venli finds a report of a group of Parshendi living on the Shattered Plains. Realizing that this could be the group of listeners who had fled prior to the advent of the everstormEverstorm, Venli takes the papers and runs from the room.
{{anchor|Chapter 93}}
;Plot Summary
Shallan, as Formless, rises early the day of Adolin's final judgement. Adolin speaks to her about the mistake often made when judging strength and weakness before she convinces him to stay in bed. Formless plans her entry into Kelek's house but is interrupted by both Veil speaking up from deep within her and by Pattern. She Lightweaves an illusion of [[Lusintia]] around herself, but then Pattern makes a final attempt to speak with her and she firmly tells him to stay in the house.
Pattern catches up with Formless on the way to Kelek's house, and he delivers a message from Wit: Shallan deserves to be trusted and loved. Formless turns away from him again and goes on alone. Radiant interrupts her by confessing that she killed Ialai Sadeas just as Formless gets to the house, but she musters her determination to go through with her plan and enters anyway. Just after drawing Mraize's knife, Formless feels Stormlight leaving her and looks around to see Veil. Veil accuses her of really just being Shallan, and she admits the truth but still feels like she wants to take this step and join the Ghostbloods. Veil keeps telling Shallan that she really is strong while Shallan admits to killing her parents. Then Shallan accepts Veil's memories and sees that the Cryptic she had bonded as a child was not Pattern at all, but Testament.
:''Fourteen months ago''
During the battle[[Battle of Narak]] Venli realizes the danger the Listeners are in because of her actions in giving them access to the stormform. She tries to get Fariday[[Faridai]] to retreat with her as the humans approach in their direction but then realizes that the Listeners who are chanting a song of summoning are oblivious, consumed by the new form. As she runs away through the storm, Venli is intercepted by a human soldier, who lets her go after she asks him for mercy. Later she notices Eshonai fighting with a human Shardbearer and falling into a chasm. Venli realizes she might be more affected by the form than she initially thought, as she does not feel any concern for her sister.
Panicked, Venli finds a hiding place between the buildings of Narak and later finds her way into one of them. As she hides from the storm and the battle she admits to herself that she is not deserving of any of the recognition she got for discovering new forms and concludes that she is, and has always been, a coward.
;Plot Summary
Rlain finds Venli crying, and she tells him that some of the other listeners might be alive, explaining that there was a group led by Thude who refused to take stormform and instead fled Narak the night the everstormEverstorm was summoned. When she confesses that she would have had them killed had Eshonai not let them escape, Timbre prompts her to tell Rlain the whole story. She does so, and Rlain draws away from her in anger.
Venli states her intention to escape with her writ from Raboniel and find her people, but Rlain tries to tell her that they need to save the Radiants first. Venli refuses to help, so Rlain storms off after calling her a traitor. Instead, Venli finds Dul and Mazish and informs them that it is time for the group to gather their stores and leave. She plans to use the stir caused by the attempted rescue of the Radiants to cover their escape.
Navani's work has consumed her to the point where sleeping and eating is a distraction. She obsesses over the tones, the rhythms, the numbers, the patterns. She is seeking an exact opposite of the wave that represents Odium’s rhythm which would nullify it through destructive interference. Finally, the tone is exactly right, and she watches as the sound pushes Voidlight out of its sphere.
She attempts to hide her discovery from those watching her as she seeks a Light that would express the sound. The day after her discovery, Raboniel comes to check on her, asking about the sound that her guards say is so terrible. Initially, Navani manages to deflect Raboniel’s questioning, but as Raboniel goes to leave, she sees the new plate that creates the new tone and she tests it. She watches as the sound forces Voidlight out of a sphere, and she says she felt the Voidlight in her gemheart respond. Raboniel reviews Navani’s notes while Navani explains what she is doing: Navani believes that Voidlight echoes Odium’s tone, and that by transferring Voidlight from one sphere to another in a vacuum, it will not be able to hear a tone to echo--until it hears Navani playing the [[anti-Voidlight]] tone against the new sphere. The experiment works, and the new sphere has a warping to it; Raboniel screams when she touches it, though Navani cannot tell a difference. Navani leaves Raboniel in the room, and soon, as Navani hoped, she hears an explosion as Raboniel tries to mix Voidlight with anti-Voidlight. Raboniel survives and has Navani make another gemstone immediately. Raboniel affixes it to one of the daggers in such a way that it would force the anti-Voidlight outward, not inward, and then uses it to kill her daughter. Navani realizes that this will end the rebirth cycle and that Raboniel never wanted to kill Odium--she wanted to free her daughter. Raboniel takes Navani's [[Rhythm of War (in-world)|notebook]], saying that she will make a copy for Navani to keep, but that she needs to do the same process with Stormlight. Navani is horrified, but Raboniel says that she has told her all along that her goal was to end the war, and that means killing spren so they can no longer bond more Radiants.
== Interludes ==
Editors, Keepers
